Utterly fascinating. Thank you Tom, Jeff, and Jim.

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Glad you liked it! It’s fascinating stuff.

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I’m absolutely thrilled you are exploring the Ra Material/Law of One here, Tom. It takes real courage to examine this type of information more closely, and I applaud you for doing so AND for conducting an interview with Jim McCarty! Wow! I’m so glad he is still with us. I read the Law of One a few years ago and found it to be the most resonant, fascinating, deep, and wisdom-filled channeled information I have ever encountered. It reframed my ways of thinking about the purpose of life on Earth - especially regarding “densities”, planetary history, and the service to others/ service to self polarities. Also, I’ll never look at the belt of Orion in quite the same way again! Anyway, I work in academia (neuroscience), hold healthy skepticism around the “woo” and yet I *loved* the Law of One. Nice to meet a fellow appreciator!

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Oh, and I went to the New York planetarium recently and they do a tour of the universe. Their first destination? Orion’s belt.

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Whoa! 🤔

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This is just an incredibly fulfilling and validating message for me to get, thank you so much, Erin. I’m going into a lot of these areas blind, but hopefully with some critical faculties maintained. The last quarter of the book was much less resonant to me, and in fact the whole second half. But the energetic frequency attached to the first half was really very strong. I don’t always know what that means, but it tends to be a sign that it’s a path worth pursuing. And you’re right that this has improved my framing of the world from a day-to-day perspective.

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It’s so interesting you mentioning the last quarter of the book, Tom. I had forgotten about how I stalled out somewhere around session 80 and had to discipline myself into seeing it through to the end. I wonder how many others experienced this?

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It’s like the conversations with God series. There was a point about halfway through the second book where I just thought to myself: this isn’t coming from the source anymore is it?

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