[4 minute read]
I genuinely think the mainstream acceptance of “attractors” might be the Copernican moment for Western science. Instead of realizing the Earth isn’t the center of the universe, we’re soon going to realise our individual intellects aren’t either. I’ve talked about this topic with hundreds of people over the last few years. The often violently skeptical reaction to this idea was the reason I titled my talk at the Sohn Conference “The Most Offensively Taboo Idea in Western Civilization.” It’s why I spent six months working on an article about attractors that’s simple enough that you can read in nine minutes. The practical “hows” of connecting to attractors is the cornerstone of my current 8 part Accelerating Wisdom series.
I also feel we might need a more accessible description than “attractors” so perhaps something like “life force” is more intuitive. One of my overriding preoccupations is also the idea that we need an accessible science of meaning that incorporates the role of attractors. Dr. Ulisse Di Corpo’s work on “Syntropy” is one such example. Here’s our 54 minute interview on Spotify and YouTube.
In short, we all know about entropy; “things fall apart”: the tendency towards death, disorder and chaos. In contrast, “syntropy” is a symmetrical force that tends towards order, organization, and complexity in systems. The key practical idea that came out of our conversation is that connection to syntropy feels like “love” and gives us life energy. Disconnection from syntropy results in depression and anxiety.
You can then see the implication: is the mental health pandemic in the West because we completely disregard the existence of the life force that can make us feel meaning and connection? Western medicine can’t fix a cause that Western science can’t accept. Maybe we don’t just disregard the idea, we might actively suppress it. Di Corpo’s theory has been removed from Wikipedia (the page redirects to negentropy, a different concept). He also said it has been rejected by Western scientfic journals but accepted by Islamic and Chinese ones. When anything gets branded as pseudoscience, it generates a “Streisand effect” that’s a key trigger for me to examine it more closely. There’s a specific brand of censorship that seems to center around any idea that suggests a guiding intelligence outside of our own intellects. Now, I am not qualified to determine if the specifics of Dr. Di Corpo’s forays into quantum physics are correct, but his rough conclusions mesh with my own decade of research on this topic across hundreds of different sources (I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments/on email).1
The other idea that came up in our conversation was that we are on the cusp of a global “vibe shift” towards love. Syntropy feels like love, so it fits that an individual and society that’s realigned with syntropy is more loving.

It’s a New Age cliché of clichés to claim we’re at the dawning of some kind of apocalyptic age. And yet, as I’ve written about recently, this vague forecast keeps recurring in all manner of strange places. Dr. Di Corpo talked about November 2026, and I’ve been told everything from this coming September to later next year. At least we’ll know for sure soon? I don’t really think this is going to be some kind of Leftovers2 style mass rapture, more as a slow boiling of the frog. Ervin Laszlo’s “Holotropic Attractor” theory is very close to the theory of Syntropy. Like David Hawkins3 and Eckhart Tolle,4 Laszlo thinks it’s going to get increasingly tough out there for people who desperately cling to an inaccurate, entropic, zero-sum mindset. The result of your worldview being incorrect is a creeping sense of cognitive dissonance. If only there were some current signs of mass insanity, depression, mental illness, confusion, institutional failure and narrative collapse.
"We are at a critical juncture in human evolution. The vibrational frequency of the planet is rising, and those who do not align with this higher frequency will find it increasingly difficult to thrive."
-Ervin Laszlo, Science and the Akashic Field
The Syntropy website, made with his wife and collaborator Antonella Vannini, has some great basic explanations. I also enjoyed their short book "Syntropy: The Spirit of Love."
If you haven’t watched this TV show, it’s pretty good! The premise: “In a global cataclysm, "The Sudden Departure," 140 million people disappeared without a trace.”
“In a time of radical global transformation, only those who align with the energy of love will be able to sustain the shift. Lower vibrations will naturally fall away as the planet moves towards a higher state of consciousness." -David R. Hawkins, Power vs. Force
"As the new consciousness emerges, it brings with it a new earth. Those who resist this change and remain attached to the old egoic patterns will struggle, while those who align with the higher frequencies of love and presence will flourish."- Eckhart Tolle
Have a feeling this will be a deep dive over the next couple of weeks (will be interesting to see how I juggle job changes, back-to-school etc with rapidly changing vibrational frequencies…)
Would it be possible to get a transcript of the interview please?