Amazing comment, I also love the idea of adding the request to show you in terms you can understand.

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As a former atheist and big time skeptic, my experiences of dreamwork and synchronicity have been too powerful to ignore. I've even cringed my way through starting to facilitating dreamwork circles, pairing it with gentle yoga instruction at local studios. It's a gateway to the woo for sure, and people have to experience it to believe it just as I did.

In posing the question before bed - "what do I need to learn?" - I've found it helpful to add SHOW ME IN A WAY I CAN UNDERSTAND (lol); and set the intention to remember the dream upon waking.

"Rather than rush to analyze the meaning of a dream in personal terms, we should be curious and let its meaning unfold over time" --> this is good advice - Components in a dream can mean different things for different people, it's not as clear cut as referencing a dream symbol dictionary. Focus on the feelings that are evoked by the scene or object more than details themselves and see what insights arise. This is where I think sharing dreams in community is powerful, because we explore and respond with statements like "If that was my dream...." and observe recurring themes/symbols amongst dreamers in the same group.

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